Monthly Archives: December 2016

As Bitcoin Price Surges, Phishing Attacks on Cryptocurrency Wallets Intensify

As Bitcoin Price Surges, Phishing Attacks on Cryptocurrency Wallets Intensify Today's Bitcoin to US Dollar exchange rate has reached $902, the first time Bitcoin price has gone above the $900 mark since January 2014, almost three years ago. Nobody knows what's driving this sudden surge of Bitcoin popularity, but cyber-criminals won't bother looking into macroeconomic … Continue reading As Bitcoin Price Surges, Phishing Attacks on Cryptocurrency Wallets Intensify

A Global Economic Tidal Wave

A Global Economic Tidal Wave…   Have you ever wished you could have gotten in on the initial offerings of revolutionary ground breaking companies such as Google, Microsoft, Apple, or most recently Bitcoin in 2009?! …well the next wave is here!  A Financial Revolution Tidal wave that’s about to hit and here’s your chance!  Special … Continue reading A Global Economic Tidal Wave

Green Fire On The Blockchain

Green Fire On The Blockchain Green Fire has decided to change the world as you know it. We are moving together onto the blockchain. We have chosen “Green Fire Gold” (GFG) as the blockchain application name. GFG will be the first to take landfill mining and reclamation on to the blockchain. GFG is designed with … Continue reading Green Fire On The Blockchain

Cryptocurrency Wallets

CryptoCurrency Wallets I am continuing my education regarding MyCryptoWorld. Today I am looking at wallets. Previously I have learn't that Cryptocurrency transactions are protected by military level encryption and physical coins do not exist. So where is the best place to store our Bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies. There are three types of wallets User controlled wallets Hosted wallets … Continue reading Cryptocurrency Wallets