VISION CARE ORPHAN HOME – A “Children of the Landfill” client

VISION CARE ORPHAN HOME – A “Children of the Landfill” client

The Green Fire mission here is to enhance their already existing program.


Here is an overview of the conditions these orphanages address.

At the beginning of the 21st Century the children of the world are facing an undeclared assault upon their childhood as they suffer as a result of poverty, sexual exploitation, abuse as well as becoming the innocent victims of wars and the HIV/AIDS epidemics.Ten years ago the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted and the UN Secretary General has stated “we have no higher priority, no prouder achievement, than our work for the rights of children!”

A few facts indicate it may be a little early “for we the people” to be proud of our achievement:

    • 12 million children die before reaching their fifth year

    • 100 million homeless children living in the streets around the world.

    • 250,000 children die every week from diseases and malnutrition.

    • 2 million children are objects of sexual abuse – child pornography and demand for  child prostitutes has increased globally.

    • 20 million children are refugees or internally displaced in their homeland.

    • 10 million children are child slaves.

    • Millions of girls are ‘missing’ as a result of foeticide, infanticide and neglect.

    • Millions of children spend their whole life surviving on a landfill

Millions of children are being orphaned as their parents die of AIDS related illnesses.The figures are unimaginable – already 11 million children in sub-Saharan Africa alone have been orphaned by the AIDS epidemic and reliable sources estimate that by 2010 there will be more than 30 million children orphaned by AIDS decimating parents.

Credit: Womenaid International,

Their is a very clear reason and purpose in “Children of the Landfill” mission, the children.

Green Fire plans to bring education and commerce to these children.
Mike Prettyman
Chief Information Officer at Green Fire Engineered Reclamation
Green Fire Engineered Reclamation

I present you with an article I just received from the head of VISION CARE ORPHAN HOME, an orphanage in Uganda.



In our project area number of Orphans, Semi Orphans and Street Children are found. The problem of orphans / street children is acute due to the Allied Democratic Force Rabbles insurgence, Natural hazards, urbanization and industrialization. Due to the deaths of HIV/AIDS affected persons, Re-marriage of deserted / widowed / divorce women, absence of love and security in the families, Family disputes, Unwanted pregnancy of Trafficking / Sexually exploited girls; these orphan and street children are left without care and support. These children are involved in rag picking; pick pocketing and participating in anti social, criminal activities. Therefore, we envisage mainstreaming these children in the national building by providing care, support and protection in our Vision Care Orphan Children Home.

History Background

Vision Care Orphanage is located in Musasa Village-kyondo sub count Kasese District Rewenzori sub region of Uganda.

The history of this orphanage center is so sad after it had its roots in the early 90's During the time of the Allied Democratic Forces insurgence in our region (mountain Rwenzori Slopes),These rabbles killed many people in these hills of the Rwenzori mountains, so my grandmother Constance Kamalha who was a natural birth attendant was one day hosting pregnant mothers at her house when rabbles attacked and Killing 15 women who had just given birth.

Constance had nothing to do but to take care of the new born babies whose mothers had just been killed with the help of Red cross and the Catholic parish around the village, it was by God mercy that she was left alone, so her home ended up becoming an orphanage center. When she died in 2003, this orphanage collapsed.

In 2012 when I completed the university, with the help of my parents, I decided to begin a small orphanage center to fulfill the dream of my fallen grandmother.

Our Mission:

Mainstreaming the Orphan, Semi Orphan and Street children in the national building by providing care, support & protection through shelter, food, and education is our mission.

The Project – An Overview:

The project proposed in this scheme is meant for additional support to run the orphan children home.

This orphanage home is aiming to provide care, support and protection for 150 but so far 37orphan & street children. This home has three Care Takers; a doctor is conducting health check-up & providing medicines. All the inmates (child residents) are being provided with 3 time’s nutritious food, one set of books and 2 sets of uniforms and school fees.

Every child has opportunity for indoor and out-door recreation and play facilities along with training in crafts and hobbies.

What is the issue, problem, or challenge?

The problem of orphan/ street children is acute due to urbanization and industrialization. Recent floods in our area aggravated the situation further when most people lost lives.

Due to the Deaths of AIDS affected persons, Re-marriage of Widowed/ Divorced women, Absence of love and security, Unwanted pregnancy of Sexually exploited girls; these orphan & street children are left without care and support.

These children are involved in rag picking, pick pocketing & participating in anti social, criminal activities.

How will this project solve this problem?

We have identified orphans & street children & providing food and education facilities for all children with the help of you the sponsors.

We are arranging teaching facilities in nearby schools & providing home tuitions, health check-up, medicines, cosmetics, one set of books & 2sets of uniform every year.

Every child is being provided with nutritional diet, indoor & outdoor recreation and play facilities and training in crafts and hobbies.

Potential Long Term Impact

This project has potential & impact full in main streaming of orphans & street children. Their basic needs are met & they will get new life through gaining knowledge, vocational skills & life skills. They will get love & affection as if their parents provides. Their confidence level will increase & become good asset to the community. They are developed physically & psychologically & made as good & productive citizens. They will inspire by philanthropy & show humanity towards the community.

Some testimonials from the orphans

“I regained my birth. I obtained nutritious food, quality education & resourceful life.”

“I got love & affection through my colleagues & organizers in the orphan home.”

Orphan Beneficiary Project Objectives:

  • To provide orphan / semi orphan / street children, a childhood that they never experienced and help them to become useful members of the society.

  • To encourage orphan / semi orphan / street children to kindle their potential by providing creative opportunities

  • To make available a secure place where orphan / semi orphan / street children can play and enjoy their childhood.

  • To provide basic education to orphan / semi orphan / street children

  • To provide such welfare services like free lodging, boarding, health and recreation

  • To provide basic literacy and facilities for those who wish to study further

  • To select and prepare for a vocation in order to live on their own legs

  • To accomplishing physical, intellectual and aesthetic development of the child Project Activities:

  • Identification of orphan / semi orphan / street children

  • Pre-view of the incoming orphan / semi orphan / street children problem/difficulties

  • Emotional acceptance of the child

  • Teaching facilities for basic education

  • Teaching facilities for vocational courses and crafts

  • Lodging and boarding facilities for all inmates

  • Recreational facilities

  • Primary health

I appreciate your attention

Mike Prettyman, For more information come to the website
Chief Information Officer at Green Fire Engineered Reclamation

Children of the Landfill Project

David O

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