Tag Archives: bitcoin gold

Bitcoin price – Cryptocurrency plummets $1000 ahead of bitcoin gold split

Bitcoin price – Cryptocurrency plummets $1000 ahead of bitcoin gold split BITCOIN prices took a blow today, falling below £5,328.46 ($7,000) just days before a planned software update will release bitcoin gold. Bictoin prices fell by £761.21 ($1,000) in just over 48 hours after strong performance at the start of the week. The crypto token … Continue reading Bitcoin price – Cryptocurrency plummets $1000 ahead of bitcoin gold split

Bitcoin Gold Sets Sunday Date for Cryptocurrency Release

Bitcoin Gold Sets Sunday Date for Cryptocurrency Release Bitcoin gold is set to go live this weekend. In a new blog post, the developers behind the fork of the bitcoin blockchain said that they would release a formal software client for download at 7:00 PM UTC on Nov. 12. Originally set for a public launch … Continue reading Bitcoin Gold Sets Sunday Date for Cryptocurrency Release

Bitcoin’s Bogeyman Cometh – Why Segwit2x Is a 51% Attack

Bitcoin's Bogeyman Cometh – Why Segwit2x Is a 51% Attack In bitcoin's Necronomicon of possible attacks and weaknesses, one reigns supreme – the 51% attack. If there is a fear that has played on people's minds as the end-of-days scenario for bitcoin, it is this. Attackers who hold more than 50% of hashing power could … Continue reading Bitcoin’s Bogeyman Cometh – Why Segwit2x Is a 51% Attack

Bitcoin Gold Hard Fork Draws Mixed Reactions

Bitcoin Gold Hard Fork Draws Mixed Reactions The Bitcoin Gold hard fork that caused a minor, temporary dip in bitcoin’s price a couple weeks ago has drawn both “boos” and “bravos” from the cryptocurrency community. Most observers voiced no problem with hard forks as a tool for competition and experimentation, but some see forks as … Continue reading Bitcoin Gold Hard Fork Draws Mixed Reactions

Bitcoin Price Storms to $5,955 as Bitcoin Gold Fizzles

Bitcoin Price Storms to $5,955 as Bitcoin Gold Fizzles The crypto markets experienced a moderate recovery on Thursday, as the bitcoin price began to recover from the dip that it entered following the Bitcoin Gold hard fork. Many altcoins achieved slight price bumps as well, enabling the total cryptocurrency market cap to rise above the … Continue reading Bitcoin Price Storms to $5,955 as Bitcoin Gold Fizzles

First Cash, Now Gold? Another Bitcoin Hard Fork Is on the Way

First Cash, Now Gold? Another Bitcoin Hard Fork Is on the Way Bitcoin, bitcoin cash, bitcoin gold? There could be as many as four cryptocurrencies bearing the bitcoin name if a small group of miners and developers carry out a planned fork of the blockchain this month. Styled as a rebellion of sorts, bitcoin gold … Continue reading First Cash, Now Gold? Another Bitcoin Hard Fork Is on the Way