Tag Archives: Dash

Billion Dollar Cryptocurrency Club Swells to Six Members

Billion Dollar Cryptocurrency Club Swells to Six Members Bitcoin’s market cap surpassed $37 billion today when the price hit $2271.16, commanding more than a billion in trade volume in a 24-hour period, according to coinmarket.com. The total value of the coin market is now at $81.3 billion, as the last two days added more than … Continue reading Billion Dollar Cryptocurrency Club Swells to Six Members

Cryptocurrency Bubble?

Cryptocurrency Bubble ?   Some credible sources are citing a possible "cryptocurrency bubble", as the prices of coins and tokens rocket and the fever for initial coin offerings (ICOs) continues unabated. All this stuff involves the technology known as blockchain, so it's all broadly related, but there are also certain distinct phenomena to consider. On … Continue reading Cryptocurrency Bubble?

Hefty Trading Boost Cryptocurrency Market Cap Soars Above $40 Billion

Hefty Trading Boost Cryptocurrency Market Cap Soars Above $40 Billion   Bitcoin may be getting most of the headlines, but cryptocurrency as a whole is on a roll. Statistics from Coinmarketcap.com reveal that 82 out of the top 100 cryptocurrencies posted gains in a recent 24-hour period. Whether all cryptocurrencies are riding bitcoin’s coattails or … Continue reading Hefty Trading Boost Cryptocurrency Market Cap Soars Above $40 Billion

Top 10 Alternatives to Bitcoin

Top 10 Altenatives to Bitcoin Blockchain currency is revolutionizing money. Since Satoshi Nakamoto unveiled his cryptocurrency in 2008, we’ve witnessed a proliferation of digital cash companies and codebases. Utilizing his public, distributed ledger, dozens of promising currencies have emerged. Only a select few have proven themselves as true contenders to Bitcoin, however. Here are the … Continue reading Top 10 Alternatives to Bitcoin

Cryptocurrency Inflation V Deflation

Cryptocurrency Inflation v Deflation   In the world of cryptocurrency, there are two main types of ecosystems. Either a cryptocurrency is inflationary – with new coins generated by mining or staking – or it is deflationary. A lot of people claim bitcoin’s deflationary status is a problem, and how minor inflation could alleviate these concerns. … Continue reading Cryptocurrency Inflation V Deflation

Should You Accept Cryptocurrency In Your Small Business?

Should You Accept Cryptocurrency In Your Small Business?   Despite the controversy and challenges that occur — small-business owners are embracing cryptocurrencies, like bitcoin. The main reason, according to the more savvy entrepreneurial-types, is that by using the latest technology they can stand out from other businesses. Does that mean that accepting cryptocurrencies is the … Continue reading Should You Accept Cryptocurrency In Your Small Business?

Bitcoin and cryptocurrency on the rise in South Africa

  Bitcoin and cryptocurrency on the rise in South Africa   Since the meteoric rise of Bitcoin, cryptocurrency has become increasingly popular across the world. While Bitcoin is the largest and most widely-used cryptocurrency on the market, there are other currencies experiencing steady growth – such as Ethereum and Dash. These cryptocurrencies also use a … Continue reading Bitcoin and cryptocurrency on the rise in South Africa

Is ItToo late to buy top Chryptocurrencies

Is It Too Late to Buy the Top Cryptocurrencies   While the majority perceives digital currencies including Bitcoin, Monero, Dash and Ether as either a means of payment or a token for development, there still exists a relatively large group of users who consider these digital currencies as short and mid-term investments. Many investors within … Continue reading Is ItToo late to buy top Chryptocurrencies

Basic Rules for Beginners in bitcoin Trading

Basic Rules for Beginners in Bitcoin Trading   There has been a protracted debate on the actual identity of Bitcoin, whether it should be regarded as a currency or a commodity. With reasonable support on each side of the debate based on its inherent characteristics, a huge segment of the ecosystem is of the opinion … Continue reading Basic Rules for Beginners in bitcoin Trading

A Regulated Cryptocurrency

A Regulated Taxable Cryptocurrency Regulatory compliance and cryptocurrency are unlikely bedfellows; paying tax on crypto transactions isn't even in the room. But times are changing. We are seeing a crop of services doing just those sorts of things, leveraging the transparent, immutable nature of distributed ledgers to track and trace cryptocurrencies. Recently the IRS has … Continue reading A Regulated Cryptocurrency