Tag Archives: employment

Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 6: SSL- Redirect to Mobile Redirect-Problem and Solution

  Glenn E. Fleming, MD, MPH, Contributor, MarketHive (Reposted from Patrick Sexton, https://varvy.com) There are four common types of redirects that affect how your users and Google see your mobile pages. Each of them is bad for performance (speed). They include:        *    Initial redirect – canonical (www.example.com vs example.com) SSL – secure pages redirect Redirect … Continue reading Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 6: SSL- Redirect to Mobile Redirect-Problem and Solution

Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 5: SSL- Redirect to Mobile Redirect-Problem and Solution

Glenn E. Fleming, MD, MPH, Contributor, MarketHive (Reposted from Patrick Sexton, https://varvy.com) There are four common types of redirects that affect how your users and Google see your mobile pages. Each of them is bad for performance (speed). They include:        *    Initial redirect – canonical (www.example.com vs example.com) SSL – secure pages redirect Redirect to … Continue reading Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 5: SSL- Redirect to Mobile Redirect-Problem and Solution

Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 4: SSL-Secure Pages Redirect-Problem and Solution

Glenn E. Fleming, MD, MPH, Contributor, MarketHive (Reposted from Patrick Sexton, https://varvy.com) There are four common types of redirects that affect how your users and Google see your mobile pages. Each of them is bad for performance (speed). They include:        *    Initial redirect – canonical (www.example.com vs example.com) SSL – secure pages redirect Redirect to … Continue reading Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 4: SSL-Secure Pages Redirect-Problem and Solution

Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 3: Initial Redirects-Problem and Solution

Glenn E. Fleming, MD, MPH, Contributor, MarketHive (Reposted from Patrick Sexton, https://varvy.com) There are four common types of redirects that affect how your users and Google see your mobile pages. Each of them is bad for performance (speed). They include:        *    Initial redirect – canonical (www.example.com vs example.com) SSL – secure pages redirect Redirect … Continue reading Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 3: Initial Redirects-Problem and Solution

Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 2: Consequences of Redirects

Glenn E. Fleming, MD, MPH, Contributor, MarketHive (Reposted from Patrick Sexton, https://varvy.com) Consequences of Redirects In the past, redirects were oftentimes utilized for various reasons (i.e., SSL redirects).  As a result, extremely long redirect chains have occurred.  The below example illustrates a typical conversation that occurs often on the mobile web. Please note that this … Continue reading Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 2: Consequences of Redirects

Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 1: Definition and Problem

Glenn E. Fleming, MD, MPH, Contributor, MarketHive (Reposted from Patrick Sexton, https://varvy.com) Definition: A redirect is a method of forwarding a user from one web address to another web address.  Under normal conditions, when a mobile device requests a certain document at a certain address, the server will normally just provide that document.  There are … Continue reading Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 1: Definition and Problem