Tag Archives: markethive

Innovative Marketing Solution

  Every business involved with selling, whether its a multinational conglomeration, work at home mum, crowd funding project needs to be marketed. Small businesses, charities and home workers often struggle with this area, due to lack of funds ,resources and knowledge of what they need to do.   Marketing costs can run at thousands per … Continue reading Innovative Marketing Solution

Using Markethive Blog and Cloud

Understanding the Markethive blog and cloud Markethive did not invent the blog, but we certainly have made it exponentially more powerful.  We certainly have added fun, understanding, reach, groups, daily workshops, understanding and power to the process. Markethive has successfully combined all the technical and tactical aspects and requirements into one system, but have also … Continue reading Using Markethive Blog and Cloud

Solution for Generational Poverty: Inbound Marketing (Social Entrepreneurship)

Solution for Generational Poverty: Inbound Marketing (Social Entrepreneurship)  The Welfare State continues to grow in volume not only due to the legacy of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society (War On Poverty) but, ironically thanks to the Internet and advances in software technology.  Yes, sounds contradictory but, there are unintended consequences for great technological advances that benefited … Continue reading Solution for Generational Poverty: Inbound Marketing (Social Entrepreneurship)

Understanding Educational Technology

Education frequently takes place under the guidance of educators, but the trend of learners educating themselves is on a continuous upward movement. The reasons may include freedom to choose, no fear of questions being asked, learning at one's own pace and place, absorbing at one's own capacity and much more. The self-learning trend has been … Continue reading Understanding Educational Technology

Your Mindset Development Guarantees Both Success and Failure

Your Mindset Development Guarantees Both Success & Failure   "Being an entrepreneur is a Mindset….you have to things as opportunities all the time….Soledad O'Brien Alright, which one are you going to choose success or failure?  No doubt you desire to generate consistent, predictable and long-term residual income from your home business opportunity or any business you joined, but … Continue reading Your Mindset Development Guarantees Both Success and Failure

Remember the Hammer from Veretekk?

Unfair Advantage has returned. Remember The Hammer? Shortly after shutting Veretekk down I embarked on building a new platform from scratch, all new code, fresh, from the start using modern operating systems, this vision is called Markethive. It is a true social network, easily navigated and works similar to Facebook, which means it is extremely … Continue reading Remember the Hammer from Veretekk?

Value and Respect Your Brand: Ask Donald Sterling

Value & Respect Your Brand: Ask Donald Sterling  Race or more accurately, racism was a primary issue in the Donald Sterling and L.A. Clipper controversy; however, the most important business component at risk was both the NBA and L.A.  Clipper Brand.  Now, a brand is commonly perceived as a product, service or concept manifested in … Continue reading Value and Respect Your Brand: Ask Donald Sterling

Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 6: SSL- Redirect to Mobile Redirect-Problem and Solution

  Glenn E. Fleming, MD, MPH, Contributor, MarketHive (Reposted from Patrick Sexton, https://varvy.com) There are four common types of redirects that affect how your users and Google see your mobile pages. Each of them is bad for performance (speed). They include:        *    Initial redirect – canonical (www.example.com vs example.com) SSL – secure pages redirect Redirect … Continue reading Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 6: SSL- Redirect to Mobile Redirect-Problem and Solution