Tag Archives: marketing

Entrepreneurial Skills Needed To Effectuate Positive Social Marketing Changes

There is a distinct dissonance regarding the behavior and social change espousements between people who believe that all marketing is evil and those who believe marketing has some redeeming qualities for the good. This diversity of opinion gets played out in program planning meetings, conferences, policy debates and resource allocations (such as found in RFPs … Continue reading Entrepreneurial Skills Needed To Effectuate Positive Social Marketing Changes

How to Blog for SEO: Write Blog Posts to Rank Well

You are probably writing a blog hoping your ideal customers/prospects will find it. Some simple changes that you can make to help you with your campaigns will be found in this article. You can increase your search engine visibility, drive more traffic to your blog and generate more leads or sales for your business. Focus … Continue reading How to Blog for SEO: Write Blog Posts to Rank Well

Your Business is Marketing and Not Sales: What… Impossible?

Your Business is Marketing and Not Sales: What… Impossible? Sales is the highest paid and World’s Oldest Profession, contrary to popular opinion.  Any challenge is foolhardy because selling is the conclusion of any and all transactions between individuals involving product/services.  However, the conduit is really Marketing.  Now, what kind of IDIOCY is this being presented … Continue reading Your Business is Marketing and Not Sales: What… Impossible?

Creating your marketing strategy

Creating your marketing strategy Developing a marketing strategy is vital for any business. Without one, your efforts to attract customers are likely to be haphazard and inefficient. The focus of your strategy should be making sure that your products and services meet customer needs and developing long-term and profitable relationships with those customers. To achieve … Continue reading Creating your marketing strategy

Spirit of the Entrepreneur!

Entrepreneurs posses a driving spirit: You hear it all the time from famous business owners: They started flexing their entrepreneurial skills by selling lemonade on the corner, building gadgets in their garage or hosting weekly college beer pong tournaments before they were running multimillion-dollar companies. It would appear that behind every mogul that is successful … Continue reading Spirit of the Entrepreneur!

Google Uses Alexa’s Information For Ranking and Indexing!

The Alexa Toolbar: Why You Need this Piece of "%#*&%@#". Google Uses Alexa’s Information For Ranking and Indexing! So you’re probably wondering why I have the Alexa Toolbar Installed on my browser and why I tell my fellow marketers, webmasters and SEO gurus to do the same. It’s simple. The Alexa  toolbar monitors all my … Continue reading Google Uses Alexa’s Information For Ranking and Indexing!

41 Tips that Get Over 10,000 People to your Email Sub List

41 Tips that Get Over 10,000 People to your Email Sub List   Of course, not everyone struggles to reach these different stages.  Some people skyrocket to success in a few weeks, other people do well with traffic levels but not with your mailing list. This particular blog has well over 10,000 people on the … Continue reading 41 Tips that Get Over 10,000 People to your Email Sub List

Why You Must Become An Entrepreneur

Why You Must Become An Entrepreneur If anyone has lately been searching for a job lately it soon becomes clear that it’s not just startups that do not want traditional employees, Google does not want them, small businesses don’t want them, agencies don’t want them. Who do they want then? Entrepreneurs And companies are using … Continue reading Why You Must Become An Entrepreneur

The 23 Suggestions to Improve Your Writing Skills

The 23 Suggestions to Improve Your Writing Skills Words are hard. Whether you're a published author or just getting started with blogging, it's not always easy to string words together in a way that makes sense, sounds good and makes the reader feel something. But every marketer should be able to write — and, more … Continue reading The 23 Suggestions to Improve Your Writing Skills