Tag Archives: marketingautomation

When Markethive discovered herself

From Social Networks to Market Networks   Markethive is a full suite “Inbound Marketing” platform integrated with a full scale “social network” targeting the 800 million “Entrepreneur” global populations. Like Facebook meets Pardot. This new revolution of the next wave of progressions is known as Market Networks, compared to the last wave of Social Networks. … Continue reading When Markethive discovered herself

I’ll say it: the days of outbound marketing are over.

I’ll say it: the days of outbound marketing are over. The "Wolf of Wall Street" mentality of harassing customers over the phone, sending spamy emails, and going door-to-door to close deals has become much less effective in recent years. Customers have access to so much information every day, they’ve become increasingly resentful of marketing intrusions. … Continue reading I’ll say it: the days of outbound marketing are over.