Tag Archives: seo

Win Mindshare to Influence Your Market

Win Mindshare to Influence Your Market   Years ago Peter Drucker, the father of business consulting, made a very profound observation: “Because the purpose of business is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two—and only two—basic functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results; all the rest are costs. Marketing is the distinguishing, unique function … Continue reading Win Mindshare to Influence Your Market

8 SEO Mistakes to Avoid

All search engine marketers are trying desperately to promote trends Especially the trends that are aligned with traditional digital marketing. SEO is immensely important to enhance key to improving your website’s visibility, driving more traffic and better conversion rates. The first thing one can do as an internet marketer is to avoid making mistakes. Following … Continue reading 8 SEO Mistakes to Avoid

Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 6: SSL- Redirect to Mobile Redirect-Problem and Solution

  Glenn E. Fleming, MD, MPH, Contributor, MarketHive (Reposted from Patrick Sexton, https://varvy.com) There are four common types of redirects that affect how your users and Google see your mobile pages. Each of them is bad for performance (speed). They include:        *    Initial redirect – canonical (www.example.com vs example.com) SSL – secure pages redirect Redirect … Continue reading Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 6: SSL- Redirect to Mobile Redirect-Problem and Solution

Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 5: SSL- Redirect to Mobile Redirect-Problem and Solution

Glenn E. Fleming, MD, MPH, Contributor, MarketHive (Reposted from Patrick Sexton, https://varvy.com) There are four common types of redirects that affect how your users and Google see your mobile pages. Each of them is bad for performance (speed). They include:        *    Initial redirect – canonical (www.example.com vs example.com) SSL – secure pages redirect Redirect to … Continue reading Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 5: SSL- Redirect to Mobile Redirect-Problem and Solution

Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 4: SSL-Secure Pages Redirect-Problem and Solution

Glenn E. Fleming, MD, MPH, Contributor, MarketHive (Reposted from Patrick Sexton, https://varvy.com) There are four common types of redirects that affect how your users and Google see your mobile pages. Each of them is bad for performance (speed). They include:        *    Initial redirect – canonical (www.example.com vs example.com) SSL – secure pages redirect Redirect to … Continue reading Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 4: SSL-Secure Pages Redirect-Problem and Solution

Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 3: Initial Redirects-Problem and Solution

Glenn E. Fleming, MD, MPH, Contributor, MarketHive (Reposted from Patrick Sexton, https://varvy.com) There are four common types of redirects that affect how your users and Google see your mobile pages. Each of them is bad for performance (speed). They include:        *    Initial redirect – canonical (www.example.com vs example.com) SSL – secure pages redirect Redirect … Continue reading Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 3: Initial Redirects-Problem and Solution

Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 2: Consequences of Redirects

Glenn E. Fleming, MD, MPH, Contributor, MarketHive (Reposted from Patrick Sexton, https://varvy.com) Consequences of Redirects In the past, redirects were oftentimes utilized for various reasons (i.e., SSL redirects).  As a result, extremely long redirect chains have occurred.  The below example illustrates a typical conversation that occurs often on the mobile web. Please note that this … Continue reading Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 2: Consequences of Redirects

Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 1: Definition and Problem

Glenn E. Fleming, MD, MPH, Contributor, MarketHive (Reposted from Patrick Sexton, https://varvy.com) Definition: A redirect is a method of forwarding a user from one web address to another web address.  Under normal conditions, when a mobile device requests a certain document at a certain address, the server will normally just provide that document.  There are … Continue reading Topics in Mobile Redirect Issues Part 1: Definition and Problem

Become The Best Blogger

Become The Best Blogger. Is it necessary to have a goal to become the best blogger in your niche? Is content marketing something that the public on the web is seeking? Many have asked that questions about the value of content marketing and wondered if it is limited to a few types of businesses. This article … Continue reading Become The Best Blogger