Tag Archives: seo

OK, Healthcare Entrepreneurs…Your Turn.  Let’s Resuscitate Your Professional Portfolio

Glenn E. Fleming, MD, MPH, Contributor, MarketHive In this era of inbound marketing, we are constantly discussing the importance of making sure that the traits and characteristics that are associated with our personal lives are congruent with those that define our professional lives.   Many would refer to this as our “brand,” or that ‘intersection’ of … Continue reading OK, Healthcare Entrepreneurs…Your Turn.  Let’s Resuscitate Your Professional Portfolio

How Being Genuine Can Strengthen You, Your Business, and Your Company

Glenn E. Fleming, MD, MPH, Contributor, MarketHive Recently, I came across an article written by Mamta Chhikara (http://hive.pe/eC), which goes on to list and describe specific qualities that a genuine person possesses: *They don’t seek attention = Modest *They’re not concerned with being liked = Confident and Authentic *They can tell when others are full of it … Continue reading How Being Genuine Can Strengthen You, Your Business, and Your Company

Search Engine Optimisation – Why Should I Choose SEO To Advertise My Business

Search engine optimisation and the practices of an SEO services specialist are the most cost effective form of advertising with a low cost-per-acquisition (CPA) and high return on investment (ROI). Studies have proven that dollar for dollar, search engine optimisation applied by an SEO services specialist are the best form of advertising, online and offline.  … Continue reading Search Engine Optimisation – Why Should I Choose SEO To Advertise My Business