Tag Archives: social media marketing

Top 10 Features of MarketHive’s Inbound Marketing Platform

MarketHive's inbound marketing platform delivers enterprise class internet marketing tools coupled with a vibrant social network…all for free! Built by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, (not opportunity seekers), MarketHive is the solution to all your entrepreneurial, inbound marketing challenges. MarketHive is the result of over 20 years of online experience dating back to when the internet was … Continue reading Top 10 Features of MarketHive’s Inbound Marketing Platform

Markethive Vision Statement

Markethive Vision Statement Markethive is Inbound Marketing combined with a dynamic vertical social network funded by advertising. Not only makes the entire Inbound Marketing system cost free, it also allows you to leverage huge results when you build groups to facilitate the platforms via the social network. Markethive is next generation technology from a 20 … Continue reading Markethive Vision Statement

Markethive: Multi-Million Dollar Social Marketing Platform- In Pre-Launch

Multi-Million Dollar Inbound Social Marketing Platform In Pre-Launch Markethive has created a Multi-Million Dollar inbound social marketing platform that will rival the existing social media platforms in many ways. Many times change comes along and we don't recognize it until its too late. Internet Marketing has changed with the advent of Millennials all searching for … Continue reading Markethive: Multi-Million Dollar Social Marketing Platform- In Pre-Launch

B2B Blogging – Does Social Media’s Rise Doom Blogging’s Future

Popular Today, But is Blogging A Flash-in-The-Pan? As Facebook and Twitter gain momentum, it's been questioned whether blogs will become obsolete?  To answer that question, let's look at what the facts tell us. Neither Twitter nor Facebook can match the presence of a blog. Blogs are feature-rich, versatile and permit long form content. Twitter is … Continue reading B2B Blogging – Does Social Media’s Rise Doom Blogging’s Future

It has been a long road for Markethive .. what is next?

The road has been long, with many obstacles. It has been an emotional journey for many of us involved in Markethive. After becoming involved with Veretekk about 4-5 years ago, I knew that the concept and vision of Markethive was a sure fired winner. There is no argument that it has taken time and had … Continue reading It has been a long road for Markethive .. what is next?