Tag Archives: Stephen Hodgkiss

Remember the Hammer from Veretekk?

Unfair Advantage has returned. Remember The Hammer? Shortly after shutting Veretekk down I embarked on building a new platform from scratch, all new code, fresh, from the start using modern operating systems, this vision is called Markethive. It is a true social network, easily navigated and works similar to Facebook, which means it is extremely … Continue reading Remember the Hammer from Veretekk?

What Does Advertising-Supported Revenue Model Mean?

What Does The Future of  the Ad-Supported Revenue Model Mean to the Internet and Technology? An advertising-supported revenue model is a business approach that emphasizes the sale of advertising as a major source of revenue. This structure is most prominent in traditional broadcast and print media, as well as online media. Media businesses generally earn … Continue reading What Does Advertising-Supported Revenue Model Mean?

What History Teaches Us About Great Speculations

Right now, we are exiting the eye of the giant financial hurricane that we entered in 2007, and we’re going into its trailing edge. It’s going to be much more severe, different, and longer lasting than what we saw in 2008 and 2009. In a desperate attempt to stave off a day of financial reckoning … Continue reading What History Teaches Us About Great Speculations

Is it in my head or do I really have Super Powers?

This is something I have felt or experienced from an early age. It usually occurs when I am waking up after a good nights sleep, that period where the sub-conscious part of your thoughts returns to the conscious I suppose; I'm not an expert on this so bear with me as this is the first … Continue reading Is it in my head or do I really have Super Powers?

Are Social Networking Sites Doing Us Any Good

It is not long ago when the only mode of communication was the snail mail way or the expensive Telephone. But with the advent of internet our lives have completely changed. We are now able to connect with anybody in any part of the world instantly and at a very low cost. This indeed has … Continue reading Are Social Networking Sites Doing Us Any Good

8 Ways To Diversify Your Freelance Income

Want more stability in your financial life? Here's how freelancers can create a more reliable income through diversification. Perhaps whoever coined the phrase "don't put all your eggs in one basket" was a freelancer, because, well, that's one of the biggest financial mistakes freelancers make. If you make all your freelance income from one client, … Continue reading 8 Ways To Diversify Your Freelance Income