Tag Archives: Steve Jobs

Your Business is Marketing and Not Sales: What… Impossible?

Your Business is Marketing and Not Sales: What… Impossible? Sales is the highest paid and World’s Oldest Profession, contrary to popular opinion.  Any challenge is foolhardy because selling is the conclusion of any and all transactions between individuals involving product/services.  However, the conduit is really Marketing.  Now, what kind of IDIOCY is this being presented … Continue reading Your Business is Marketing and Not Sales: What… Impossible?

Wealthy People Always Network: Are You Doing The Same?

                       Wealthy People Always Network: Are You Doing The Same? Want to generate consistent, predictable and long-term residual income like wealthy people?  If yes, then, you have to follow certain proven economic/financial principles that ensure wealth-generation.  Now, the definition of wealthy isn’t restricted to those who possess extraordinary large sums of fiat currency but also, … Continue reading Wealthy People Always Network: Are You Doing The Same?